
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Our Top 10 TV Shows of 2021
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
We return once more for our round up of 2021. This time we're tackling TV. There's comedy, drama, sci-fi, satire, and - of course - police procedurals!
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Sunday Jan 02, 2022
Our Top 10 films of 2021
Sunday Jan 02, 2022
Sunday Jan 02, 2022
As we wave goodbye to 2021, we jump on the podcast to discuss our Top 10 favourite films of the year. Mark has taken this task INCREDIBLY SERIOUSLY. Elaine has not. What controversies lie within Mark's extensively researched and meticulously deliberated list? And will Elaine's laptop - containing her hastily cobbled together rankings - have enough battery to make it to the end of the episode...?
You can follow us on: Twitter - Instagram - Letterboxd
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Friday Dec 31, 2021
The Matrix Resurrections Spoiler Chat
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Finally! After our Matrix re-watch (see earlier episodes), we eventually managed to see the fourth Matrix film. Was it worth the wait? You have to let it all go… fear, doubt, and disbelief…
Spoilers at 10:00.
You can follow us on: Twitter - Instagram - Letterboxd
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Friday Dec 31, 2021
Spiderman: No Way Home Spoiler Chat
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Our review of that little seen indie film Spiderman: No Way Home.
Spoilers from 8:45.
You can follow us on: Twitter - Instagram - Letterboxd
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Friday Dec 24, 2021
Down The Rabbit Hole: A Matrix Re-watch (The Matrix Revolutions, 2003)
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
We complete our Matrix re-watch with The Matrix Revolutions. We get off to a fairly grumpy start (!) but end up having lots to say about cast changes, our indifference to the fate of Zion, and our thoughts on the ending and its implications for The Matrix Resurrections (which we haven’t seen yet, so don’t worry no spoilers here).
Thanks for joining us on our re-watch. And Merry Matrix-mas!
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Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Down The Rabbit Hole: A Matrix Re-watch (The Matrix Reloaded, 2003)
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
I'm gonna be iron like a lion in Zion….
Our Matrix re-watch continues with The Matrix Reloaded. Grossing $741.8 million worldwide, The Matrix Reloaded was the eagerly awaited follow up to The Matrix. But how does it fare today? We mull over the plot, visual effects, and character names. We also spend way too much time ruminating on the sex scenes…
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Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
We're back with a bumper-sized catch up episode, filled with so much TV and film it's like Christmas Day has come early (but not for Elaine).
For TV, we've been watching the latest MCU Disney+ TV Show, the Christmas-themed Hawkeye (4:49). We’re also still agog at the ending of Season 3 of Succession (15:14) – we indulge in a quick spoiler-free chat about the season as a whole.
For movies, Elaine has seen the much-awaited Kilmer documentary VAL (26:30), and Mark has seen Ridley Scott's 473rd film this year, House of Gucci (40:00). Finally we dig DEEP into Stephen Spielberg’s first attempt at a musical with a remake of West Side Story (46:50). As a word of warning, we talk about all the major plot points for West Side Story, but then the original film IS fifty years old, based on a show that's sixty years old, and on a play that's 400+ years old…
The podcast Mark mentions about West Side Story's box office is available here:
You can listen to The Movie Robcast’s Christmas Spectacular here: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ep-134-its-the-supersized-bumper-movie-robcast/id1097546968?i=1000544669572
You can follow us on: Twitter - Instagram - Letterboxd
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Friday Dec 10, 2021
Down The Rabbit Hole: A Matrix Re-watch (The Matrix, 1999)
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Welcome to the real world…. and the film that introduced us to Morpheus, Neo, and Trinity. We’re returning to The Matrix, 22 years after we first saw it via a cardboard-backed DVD case. But how does it hold up? Will Mark get all the biblical references this time round? And what exactly is a Nebuchadnezzar?
You can follow us on: Twitter - Instagram - Letterboxd
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Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Down The Rabbit Hole: A Matrix Re-watch (Introduction)
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
We’re doing a Matrix re-watch! In the run up to The Matrix Resurrections, we’ll be watching a film from The Matrix franchise (in order, obvs) every week and releasing a Down The Rabbit Hole episode with our thoughts.
In this introductory episode, we jump back to 1999, delve into our relationship with the films, and – weirdly – end up singing the theme tune to the Sweet Valley High TV show.
How deep does the rabbit hole go? Come with us to find out…
You can follow us on: Twitter - Instagram - Letterboxd
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Monday Nov 22, 2021
Ghostbusters Afterlife Spoiler Chat
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Put down the Twinkie, and move the spores, molds, and fungus to one side - we've been to see Ghostbusters: Afterlife!
We talk about our history with the franchise and our spoiler-free thoughts about the film, before peeking behind the portrait of Vigo and going for full-on spoilers. Don't go past 29:00 if you've not seen the film!
If you'd like to see a walkthrough of the Ghostbusters 8-bit video game Mark mentions click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXL56R2zyxU
And, at the end of the episode, Mark also references The Ghost Busters from 1975. For more (and to see the gorilla!) click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdPfUYgY6nw
ALSO: Sorry, we've both got colds at the moment, so apologies for the sniffles. Who ya gonna call? Lemsip and Vitamin C!
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